Rights and duties

FOSCAL as an institution that provides health services, sees in the human being its reason for being and faithful to its ethical and social commitment to seek well-being and minimize the risks of care, promulgates the rights and duties of users..
User Rights
1Respect and dignity
Right for all users to receive the medical care required by their condition of health, according to the available institutional resources and provisions of your plans benefits without distinction of race, sex, age, language, religion, political opinion or any opinion, economic position or social status.
22. Privacy
Right to receive health services in conditions that protect your privacy, respecting and understanding feelings of shame, pain and disability..
Right to that all records of the clinical history, are treated confidential and secret and can be known only with prior permission of the user, or before competent authority requirements. This extends to comments and concepts emitted by the health team concerning the state of health of the user.
Right to enjoy a full and clear communication with the health care team, based on the identification of each of the participants in their care, use of appropriate language to their psychological and cultural conditions that allow them to obtain all the necessary information about their illness and treatment.
5Administrative information
Right to the institution have to provide timely information about coverage of services, administrative required for care, co-payments, fees, payment of surpluses and if necessary to inform you about the terms of reference and referral procedures.
6Safety attention
The right to be providing medical care by qualified and competent personnel, based on accepted scientific practices, with adequate supplies and resources to ensure the safety of care. Adequate physical infrastructure in providing and avoid unnecessary risks to people and property.
7To self-determination
Right once all the alternatives of diagnosis and treatment are exposed with their respective benefits and risks, or be notified of the prognosis, to exercise their right to accept or not the procedures, being necessary consent or rejection written with the exception of the cases provided for by law (critical emergency that does not hold, risk for public health, legal imperative).
8Participation in Research
Right to be respected willingness to participate or not in research by staff scientifically qualified, as long as they have learned about the objectives, methods, possible benefits, foreseeable risks and discomforts that the investigative process may involve. Written consent must mediate acceptance to participate in the study.
9To die with dignity
The right to receive or refuse spiritual or moral whatever the religious cult professes to support. Right to die with dignity and to respect the willingness to allow the process of death to follow its natural course in the terminal phase of the illness.
10To a system of suggestions and complaints
The right to know the available process in the institution to file claims, complaints and suggestions, and generally to communicate wit the administration of the institutions and to receive a written response.
User Duties
1Comply the rules and politics established for the entry.
- Minors must always enter and remain in the company of a responsible adult.
- It is restricted, the entry of weapons or anything that is considered dangerous.
- Visitors must wear permanently, the badge that identifies them.
- The entry of animals is prohibited.
- The entry of alcoholic beverages is prohibited to facilities.
- No smoking inside the institution.
- Comply with the established visiting hours.
- Not circulate in restricted areas.
2Comply with the assigned schedule medical appointments.
If you can not attend, you must cancel the appointment one hour before. The breach of an appointment or service generates a pedagogical penalty.
3Full documentation is needed
for the provision of services, according to the requirements previously requested by the clinic.
4Provide correct and complete information
about current conditions, the history of past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications and other matters relating to your health or your familiar.
5Sign consents or denials of procedures
once are adequately informed of the benefits and risks of these.
6Follow the treatment plan recommended by your doctor.
This includes the instruction of the health professionals involved in care.
7Comply with instructions
concerning security, isolation and management of emergency and hospital waste received by the staff of the institution.
8Treat with respect and courtesy.
staff that provides care to you and to other users and their companions.
9Care facilities and endowment
arranged by the institution for your attention, make proper use and respond for the damages caused.